• Swami Darshan Complex, Shiv Mandir RoadAmbernath 421501
  • Mon - Sat: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Mon - Sat: 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
  • +91 09324712112
  • drdineshrohra@gmail.com

Paediatric Dentistry

As parents you always want to give the best to your children. While you can take care of all of their needs, we At Dr. Rohra’s Mayur Dental Clinic and Implant Centre would ensure that your children get the best dental and oral health care.

The experiences that we give the today would give them an outlook for tomorrow. So we make sure that your children are in safe and secure hands and their dental needs are met with utmost love and affection.

We are known to provide the best paediatric treatment in Ambernath.

Why is Paediatric Dentistry and why is it important?

This is a branch of dentistry that is dedicated to oral health of children right from infancy to adolescence. A child usually gets their first tooth around 6-7 months of age. The eruption then continues till 2 years of age. These teeth are known as primary teeth and are 20 in number.

The first permanent tooth also erupts around 6-7 years of age and the eruption continues till 13-14 years. Ensuring that the permanent teeth remain healthy is also important.

The primary teeth are highly prone to caries. If detected early they can be filled and restored back to functionality. When not detected and treated the dental carried advance and cause damage to the tooth pulp and this can result in pain and inflammation of the tooth. This is a case of pulpal infection.

Paediatric Dentistry in Ambernath

Paediatric Dentistry in Ambernath

What are the signs that my child is having a pulpal infection?

What are the treatment options for that?

The tooth is made up of three layers. The outermost layer is the strongest and known enamel. The middle layer is called dentin and the innermost layer is called pulp. Whenever any infection reaches the pulp, the tooth starts aching.

Here are the signs and symptoms of a pulpal infection:

  • Sharp shooting pain.
  • Continuous dull aching pain
  • Swollen gum
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold
  • Draining sinus( accumulation of pus )

Once the child has any of the above symptoms, it’s a sign that the pulp is infected and needs the necessary treatment.  The various treatment options for such situations are:

  • Extraction
  • Indirect pulp capping
  • Pulpotomy
  • Pulpectomy or root canal treatment

Nothing is better than saving the natural tooth. Whenever a primary tooth is extracted at an early age, the erupting permanent teeth tend to fill the space and leave little or no space for the underlying permanent tooth to come. In such situation the teeth start overlapping each other and require orthodontic treatment.

Indirect pulp capping:

Whenever the caries are deep but there is no exposure of the pulp, then the caries are removed and a pulp soothing medicine is put inside and the tooth is filled with a temporary restorative material.  The tooth is put under observation. In case it does not pain, then a permanent restoration is done and the tooth is functional again.


Here the infected pulp from only the crown portion is removed and the radicular pulp is allowed to heal. This is a conservative procedure, exclusively carried out in deciduous teeth.

After the removal of the coronal pulp, the medicament is placed inside the tooth and healing is initiated.

Root canal or pulpectomy

This is a procedure that involves complete removal of the pulp.

Steps of pulpectomy:

  • X-ray: We are equipped with digital x-rays that gives us a clear picture of the anatomy of the tooth and plan the treatment.
  • Cleaning and shaping the tooth: the tooth is thoroughly cleaned and the infection is drained out.
  • Filling the tooth: The tooth is then filled with a biocompatible material like Zinc Oxide Eugenol, Calcium hydroxide or MTA. We at use the standard materials of international quality for all our patients. After the root canal is filled, the tooth is filled with the restorative material.
  • Crown placement: After the filling, a crown is placed to increase the functionality of the tooth. We provide Stainless steel and Zirconia crowns to our pediatric patients.

Common concerns of the parents

Would it be very painful for my child?

We at Dr. Rohra’s Mayur Dental Clinic and Implant Centre make sure that every child has a painless experience at our clinic. Dr. Vidisha( Meneka ) Rohra and Dr.Dinesh Rohra make sure that  every child is handled with due care and love.

How can I prepare my child for a root canal treatment?

As parents you should positively motivate your child about the dental treatment. Their experience at an early age becomes a part of their future journey. So motivate them about how the treatment would ease them from their pain and make them comfortable.

What is the aftercare after a root canal treatment

The patient is under anaesthesia and tends to bite their lips and cause injury so you have to observe the child till the anaesthesia wears off.

Some pain may persist after the treatment which would go away after sometime.

What other treatments do we provide?

We provide a wide range of treatments for your children

  •   Cavity fillings
  •   Early intervention Orthodontic treatment
  •   Scaling or cleaning
  •   Management of dental injuries
  •   Habit breaking appliance
  •   Regular checkups and fluoride applications for preventive care in children

Why should you visit only Dr. Rohra’s Mayur Dental Clinic and Implant Centre?

Dr. Dinesh Rohra and Dr. Vidisha (Meneka) Rohra have been providing quality dental treatment to the child patients. Our pediatric patients are given a friendly and homely environment.

 We understand that you want the best for your child and we make sure we deliver what your child deserves .