• Swami Darshan Complex, Shiv Mandir RoadAmbernath 421501
  • Mon - Sat: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Mon - Sat: 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
  • +91 09324712112
  • drdineshrohra@gmail.com

Gum surgeries

Periodontal or gum surgeries are mostly performed to cure the signs and symptoms of a diseases peridontium. It has been approximated that 47.2 % of adults aged above 30 years or above have periodontal diseases. These progresses with age and approximately 70% of adults above 65years of age have periodontal diseases.

Sometimes the gum surgeries are done for cosmetic reasons as well. These could be done to enhance your smile or for cosmetic correction of gums.

gum surgeries in ambernath

gum surgeries in ambernath

What are the signs and symptoms of periodontal disease?

  • Swollen gums
  • Bad breath
  • Bleeding from the gums
  • Pus discharge from the gums
  • Mobility of teeth
  • Space creation between teeth
  • Stone or calculus deposit between teeth
  • Gingival recession

What if this condition is left untreated?

As mentioned earlier, periodontitis is a progressive disease and it not only damages the gums and the teeth but spreads to the bone as well.

It has also been seen that patients who have chronic periodontitis have a high incidence of heart diseases, diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis.

What are the treatment options for periodontal diseases?

If the disease is in the early stages it can be managed by:

  • Scaling and root planning: Your teeth and gums are cleaned thoroughly with the help of ultrasonic scalers. Well cleaned and polished tooth surface attract less deposits and remain healthy for a longer period of time.
  • Surgical management: This is done for chronic progressive periodontal condition.

These procedures are carried out in the dental office under local anaesthesia. These are chair side procedures and do not require more than 1.5-2hours. The various surgeries performed for the rehabilitation of gums are:

  1. Flap surgery: This is done to have an access to the deep areas of the tooth. An incision is placed and the gums are raised so that the deep tissue pockets can be reached and cleaned well. After the area is cleared of the infection, the tissue is stitched back to its original position.
  2. Grafting: This is done for patients who have a great amount of gum or bone loss and need regeneration. There can be two types of grafts :
  • Bone graft material: They mimic the bone and replace the missing bone structure.
  • Tissue grafts: This is done to treat the soft tissue defect. In this the healthy tissue is removed from a part of the mouth or body and placed in the area of the gum recession. These protect the gums from recession and cover the exposed portion of the teeth.
  1. Guided tissue regeneration: As the name suggests, a tiny mesh like material is placed in between the gums and bone. This helps in growth of healthy connective tissue and leads to healthy attachment between gums and ones.

Cosmetic and elective gum surgeries

  1. Gingivectomy and gingivoplasty : Presence of plaque or long term usage of some drugs can lead to overgrowth of gingival tissues .. Gingivectomy is done to remove the overgrown tissue. Gingivoplasty is less aggressive and it aims at minor recontouring of the gums.
  2. Crown lengthening procedure: This is done for people who have a small clinical tooth structure present in the mouth. Crown lengthening could be performed for the treatment of gummy smile and for placement of a crown or bridge.

Is the gum surgery very painful and what are the possible post operative complications?

The gum surgeries are carried out under local anaesthesia. There could be post operative   discomfort like

  • Pain
  • Sensitivity of teeth
  • Generalised swelling

All of these can be managed by medications and post operative care .The healing may take a few days.

How expensive are the gum surgeries?

The cost of the surgery depends upon the type of procedure performed and the extent of area to be treated. We at Dr. Rohras Mayur Dental Clinic and Implant Centre make sure that we provide the best treatment at affordable rates to our patients.

What foods can be eaten after the surgery?

You would have to limit the solids in your diet for a few days. That’s why you should have healthy semisolid food .You should include eggs, soups, juices, yoghurt, lentils etc. Healthy food would aid in early recovery.

Post-operative instructions

  • No spitting or gargling for 24 hours
  • Cold fermentation to reduce swelling and inflammation
  • Avoid heavy exercise or physical exertion for 2-3 days
  • Soft diet for a few days
  • Mouthwash for hygiene maintenance
  • No smoking for a few weeks after the surgery
  • Avoid hot and spicy food till the wounds heal
  • We would give you a complete guide on oral hygiene maintenance after the surgery.
  • Frequent recalls and scaling: The surgical site needs to be cleaned to prevent further chances of infection. For this you need to regularly visit your dentist and get scaling and cleaning done.

We at Dr.Rohras Mayur Dental Clinic and Implant Centre provide complete assistance to our patients after the surgery.  We understand your concerns and our expert team would be ready to assist you in every possible way.

We follow proper sterilisation at our clinic. We have an advanced sterilisation protocol that is strictly followed with the help of top-class machinery.

Dr.Dinesh Rohra and Dr. Vidisha ( Menka) Rohra have been performing successful periodontal surgeries for a long time. They have been updating their knowledge in this field with each passing year.

Their perseverance and hard work reflects in their work and that’s why makes them the best dentist in Ambernath.